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Recent radio and print interview appearances by Aaron Kutchinsky



WCBM 2 – Baltimore

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KAPB – Louisiana

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WCBM – Baltimore

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KDAL – Minnesota

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Do you Have Money Insurance?
by Veronica Mackey

What would you do if you woke up one morning and found all your cash, savings and investments were worthless?  What if $20 couldn’t even buy a loaf of bread?  While you’re stockpiling canned goods and toilet paper in anticipation of the next earthquake, don’t forget to insure your paper dollar money with physical hard asset gold.

Today, all paper monies currently in use in the world  are called Fiat Currencies, and they have no real intrinsic  value.  In fact, historically these kind of paper currencies have a 100% failure rate.  “The U.S. dollar has lost 97% of its purchasing power over the last 80 years, and most of that loss has been since 1971 when we fully came off the gold standard – the clock is ticking for the final failure and the world is actively preparing for this certainty,” says financial expert Aaron Kutchinsky.

History shows as paper currency declines, the value of gold and silver goes up.  And with all that has happened recently in the global economy, there is evidence to support a massive trend back toward some form of gold and silver backed currency.

Last year, world Central banks became net buyers of gold for the first time in over 40 years.  Northwestern Mutual, the 6th largest insurance company in the US, recently bought almost one-half billion in gold bullion—the first time they have bought physical gold in their 154-year history.  China has increased its gold purchasing 5-fold within the last year and has increased its position by 70% in the last 5 years. Central banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds, are buying up gold and silver at accelerated speed.  Why?  Because they know what’s about to happen and are aggressively preparing for what, mathematically speaking, must happen.

As the dollar continues to lose purchasing power, average people will be left out in the cold to fend for themselves.  Someone needs to show them the way to protect their personal and community assets.  Mr. Kutchinsky is the “financial Paul Revere” of our times.

“I think of myself as one of those chosen by circumstance and experience to warn my fellow citizens and community members against the past-approaching financial tsunami.  The financial industry is thoroughly criminalized and not to be trusted. It’s time we all realized the game has changed.  For the vast majority of people, it’s no longer about trying to get rich, trying to leverage their money, but instead protecting what they have and protecting their family’s future economic viability.

Right now, banks, large investors and insurance companies are using gold to position themselves against the coming economic paradigm shift.   Mr. Kutchinsky wants to expose ordinary citizens to how the world’s financial giants operate, and show them how to use the same strategies to protect themselves, their family and community.   This is not an alarmist message, but a “call to prudent, decisive action,” Mr. Kutchinsky says.  Families need gold to protect themselves against inflation and hyperinflation as one would purchase life or health insurance.  He recommends having at least 20 percent of your wealth in gold.

There’s just one obstacle—F.E.A.R.

To take the fear out of buying gold at its perceived high price point, Guardian Gold and Silver offers a written Customer Satisfaction Conviction Warranty.  Basically, the company will buy back any gold and silver purchased through the company, at the exact same price in 5 years—regardless of what the market does.  A percentage of every gold and silver purchase is placed in a Warranty Reserve Fund to ensure sufficient funds are available if a customer wants to sell.

“Now the future is certain because it is under warranty,” Mr. Kutchinsky says. “We don’t sell gold per se, we offer the solution to owning gold.”